News of a Little Blessing has Arrived!

Four days ago, we received our first positive pregnancy test! 

You’re daddy and I are so excited words can’t express and all we can say is Thank you, God and Praise you Jesus! He was faithful and is being faithful through this whole journey. You are tucked nice and safe inside me protected by my body, and more importantly, the special protection of Jesus’ blood and His angels are taking charge and sitting watch at all times!

You should know that there were many people in mommy and daddy’s life praying for you.   Grandma Jean, Grandma and Grandpa Geiger, and Auntie Jane have been putting in lots of special prayers for you. You also have some special non-blood family members who were and are still praying for your coming. You have Auntie Lacy and Uncle Chris as well as our great friends Dan and Cindy. Even your doctor and his daughter from the Pavelka family were putting in some prayers for you.

But most of all, it is your daddy and I who have not ceased to spend endless time, praying for you, dreaming for you, imagining what it will be like when you come, praying for your future, and planning for your arrival. We have waited so long to hear that you had finally blessed us with your presence and we are so smitten with the fact that you are here.

Your Grandma Geiger has already expressed multiple times that she plans on spending hours with you taking care of you while mommy and daddy work.  She has also already gone out shopping and has even been praying for twins!

Grandma Jean was the first to find out about you and she screamed for joy. She can’t wait to hold you in her arms and cuddle with you! She tried not to tell me, but she has been waiting and yearning for you.

Auntie Jane’s face was priceless when she heard you were coming.  Auntie Lacy and Uncle Chris had the best reaction and when they left us and got to their car, they squealed and counted to 3 and screamed, “AHHHHHHH!”

Your Uncles Nathan, Nick and Patrick don’t know about you yet, and neither does Grandpa Pat. They will hear in due time, as you continue to grow in momma.  Your great grandmas and great grandpa will most likely know around Christmas.

We can’t wait to see your adorable face, your button nose and your sparkling eyes.

But in the mean time, we continue to wait, and pray, and believe, and prepare for your arrival.

My sweet Blessing, I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.

Love Mommy

Dear Liam & Zoe

Dear Liam & Zoe,

Daddy and I have been praying for you since before you were even a twinkle in our eye.  You have not even been brought into the world yet and still I think and dream about you endlessly. I am waiting to find out right now whether God has placed you in my tummy yet.  As soon as that happens, we will still have 9 more months to wait to see your precious face.

I  will be able to gaze into your beautiful eyes and see right into your sweet soul.

I can’t wait to have you grab my finger with your tiny little hand, or look up at me and smile.  I will play with your toes and cuddle with you all day.

Oh, the thought of you sleeping in my arms, it warms my heart.

I have wanted to be a mommy since I was a young girl, and I can’t wait for it to come to pass.  I can’t wait to see your little button nose and teeny little lips.

I yearn to hear your little grunts, squeaks, and noises you make when you are waking up.

Until the day I find out that you are a reality, I will be impatiently waiting, and praying for you with every thought and breath.  I love you so much already!

