In This House We Do Geek!!!

So, I have always been a huge fan of these types of posters. Yesterday I set out to make one that is the perfect flavor of my husband and I.

We are total geeks! There is no denying it…we might as well embrace it!

There are references to:

Disney, Lord of the rings, Sherlock, Pathfinder, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Demolition Man, Once upon a time, Star Wars, Mario, Hunger Games, Walking Dead, Star Trek, Big Bang Theory, Portal, Skyrim, Minecraft, Ark, Raspberry Pis and Coding.

I am sort of a PowerPoint wizard, so I was able to build this image out of tons of little logos, images, fonts, and editing.  Pin it if you like it.

In This House We Do GEEK large teal

Pregnancy Projects

Let’s see if these 40 weeks can be used to really get the house ready for you!

This will be a bit of a challenge with a broken leg, however, I know we can get it done! You know your momma, she is a planner and when she sets her mind to something, she will do it!

  1. Purge the baby room of all the things! Click here to see an updated plan and project list as well as the latest status of the room!
    1. Get rid of the cabinet wood (see if Dad can come and pick it up as well as the extra scraps from the rest of the basement and guest room.
      1. Scrap wood from cabinet
      2. Jimmer’s desk top shelves
      3. old kitchen table
      4. Black coffee table in guest room
    2. Start returning kitchen stuff to the kitchen that was removed from the extra cabinet area
    3. Purge bins in the closet again and throw throw throw/donate
    4. Disassemble the bed to be moved downstairs after the basement is cleared out.
    5. Start purging and moving things on the Ikea shelf so it can be moved downstairs.
    6. Baby room closet tackling
      1. Bring all the closet stuff to donate, or take pictures if it is sentimental
      2. Garbage, Garbage, Garbage!
    7. Return Carpet cleaner to the Geigers (Also get  Larry to take his table saw)
  2. Purge the basement of all the things and set it up as a guest room/jimmer sactuary/craft room
    1. Get Rid of Brown Couch
    2. Table and brown shelving should have left at the same time as the wood
    3. Disassemble and sell the glass desk
    4. Get rid of the extra chairs that are not needed
    5. Get rid of the rest of the dvd boxes and send the special VHS tapes with Uncle Chris
    6. Fill the shelves with books that are out in the garage
    7. Get all of the trinkety statues and bring them upstairs to display in our bedroom

More of a list to come. In all of this time of trying to get my house clean, I realize I have had to keep my good friend Jenny in the dark about why now.  She knows James and I are starting to get the bedroom ready for a baby room, but she thinks it’s because we’re standing in faith for a child. Yes, we are fully standing in faith for a child, however, he/she/they are already in my tummy. Shhhh!

I also had a little slip in recruiting my dad to help with this list. I mentioned that we were trying to get rid of a bunch of stuff in our guest room to clear it out, but I believe I used the word baby room. Whoops!  He caught on immediately. Praise the Lord. I think he is excited to be a grandpa.

News of a Little Blessing has Arrived!

Four days ago, we received our first positive pregnancy test! 

You’re daddy and I are so excited words can’t express and all we can say is Thank you, God and Praise you Jesus! He was faithful and is being faithful through this whole journey. You are tucked nice and safe inside me protected by my body, and more importantly, the special protection of Jesus’ blood and His angels are taking charge and sitting watch at all times!

You should know that there were many people in mommy and daddy’s life praying for you.   Grandma Jean, Grandma and Grandpa Geiger, and Auntie Jane have been putting in lots of special prayers for you. You also have some special non-blood family members who were and are still praying for your coming. You have Auntie Lacy and Uncle Chris as well as our great friends Dan and Cindy. Even your doctor and his daughter from the Pavelka family were putting in some prayers for you.

But most of all, it is your daddy and I who have not ceased to spend endless time, praying for you, dreaming for you, imagining what it will be like when you come, praying for your future, and planning for your arrival. We have waited so long to hear that you had finally blessed us with your presence and we are so smitten with the fact that you are here.

Your Grandma Geiger has already expressed multiple times that she plans on spending hours with you taking care of you while mommy and daddy work.  She has also already gone out shopping and has even been praying for twins!

Grandma Jean was the first to find out about you and she screamed for joy. She can’t wait to hold you in her arms and cuddle with you! She tried not to tell me, but she has been waiting and yearning for you.

Auntie Jane’s face was priceless when she heard you were coming.  Auntie Lacy and Uncle Chris had the best reaction and when they left us and got to their car, they squealed and counted to 3 and screamed, “AHHHHHHH!”

Your Uncles Nathan, Nick and Patrick don’t know about you yet, and neither does Grandpa Pat. They will hear in due time, as you continue to grow in momma.  Your great grandmas and great grandpa will most likely know around Christmas.

We can’t wait to see your adorable face, your button nose and your sparkling eyes.

But in the mean time, we continue to wait, and pray, and believe, and prepare for your arrival.

My sweet Blessing, I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.

Love Mommy

A New Phase


Whether or not all of these worries, distractions, or obsessions about having kids were needed,

they were real, and they were putting my life into a tail-spin.

I have only been that off kilter one other time in my life, and that was when I was diagnosed with an illness that would effect my ability to have kids, and put me in chronic pain and possible blindness for the rest of my life. Who would have thought that something as joyous as the possibility of being pregnant would have the same effect on me.

I was distant from everything, and everyone.

I couldn’t even focus in on anything except baby stuff whether it be articles about their monthly growth, or blogs about getting negative pregnancy tests, or articles about increasing your fertility. I even found myself shopping for reveal gifts hoping I would be able to announce a new little one this Christmas.  I am not sure that will be happening now, but

I do know that someday I will be able to announce that to our families with my husband.

I took a test yesterday (4 days before AF is expected).  It came up negative and for some reason, it was a huge relief to be able to take it. It totally seems silly but I had let myself get so carried away that

this sort of grounded me.

I still may be pregnant as tests can be very wrong when taken early, however, even if I am not, I am okay with that. I was so convinced that if it was God’s promise for us to be fruitful and multiply, it would have to happen right away.

It will happen, this I know, but in His perfect timing, and now amount of worrying or obsession will change that.

Pulling my Hair Out

So, I have noticed that I am extra warm today, and I have developed sore BB. I have also had uncontrollable mood swings.  I am also recently exhausted. I have also noticed that I have developed a sense of super smell.  I have had a bought of nausea/bloating a couple times already, am peeing constantly, and  have had backaches,  but these were common before we did the BD.  I am so ready to just take an IC already.

I don’t understand how anyone could possibly get through this time without going totally insane.

I have no time to get anything done, yet all I have is time to think about whether I have a BFP or not.   I really just don’t know what to do with myself. When I clean, my mind is able to wonder because it doesn’t take much brain capacity to empty a trash can. When I am at SSS training, it is absolutely hopeless.

I find myself constantly replaying my training videos, and right after I restart one, I find that I am already not paying attention.  Ghrrr. When I have access to a computer, I have all of these tools at my finger tips…Google, Pinterest, Christmas Gift sites to buy baby announcements, this OneNote where I collect my thoughts and good finds for the Blog.

I can’t go on like this much longer.

I just have to believe that God has got to pull through and deliver a baby into my womb this month, or I will not be successful at my job, whatsoever.  And then the thought of…when I do find out I’m prego, how will my mind be able to stay focused then? I will have true baby brain along  with the fog of planning every detail about oncoming baby…like I am not doing that already.

If you don’t know me, you will know I obsess over everything that I have interest in.

I pick something and explore it to the ends of my own capacity and ability to learn everything I can about it. This is usually seen as a strength, for when I want to learn something new, I hunt it down and nail it in a coffin.  In this instance, however,   it seems to be my undoing. I don’t want to be seen as someone with a lack of devotion at work, or the slow learner. They are depending on me, and I bragged on the fact that I pick things up quickly.  What shall I do?

Dear Liam & Zoe

Dear Liam & Zoe,

Daddy and I have been praying for you since before you were even a twinkle in our eye.  You have not even been brought into the world yet and still I think and dream about you endlessly. I am waiting to find out right now whether God has placed you in my tummy yet.  As soon as that happens, we will still have 9 more months to wait to see your precious face.

I  will be able to gaze into your beautiful eyes and see right into your sweet soul.

I can’t wait to have you grab my finger with your tiny little hand, or look up at me and smile.  I will play with your toes and cuddle with you all day.

Oh, the thought of you sleeping in my arms, it warms my heart.

I have wanted to be a mommy since I was a young girl, and I can’t wait for it to come to pass.  I can’t wait to see your little button nose and teeny little lips.

I yearn to hear your little grunts, squeaks, and noises you make when you are waking up.

Until the day I find out that you are a reality, I will be impatiently waiting, and praying for you with every thought and breath.  I love you so much already!



Project Distract: Day 2


Create a Craft Center Work Station in my Office (Basement)

Cute Craft room! by IchaDjamaan

craft room

Stage 2…actually doing the room


Plans to modify…

  • Paint lids of baby food jars and fill with small things like beads and buttons
  • Paint gold wire rack
  • Paint or cover shoe boxes with sewing gear in them
  • Take more pictures
  • Clean off book shelf above craft area
  • Bring down sewing machine from guest room
  • Bring crafts from garage

Project Distract: Day 1


Nursery article.

Being that I was only home for an hour of sanity time yesterday, I decided to forgo the cleaning and just relax for a little bit. I currently work 2 jobs and have no time at all in the evenings to do things that I would like to do.  I also rarely see my husband anymore, as I am gone from 7 a.m. to at least 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The issue is Monday through Thursdays are his days off of his main job. He works 6 am to 6 pm Fri, Sat, Sun.  We NEVER get to spend any quality time together anymore.

Now, to paint you a picture of this Spare Room/Junk Room…

I like to believe that most people have an area in their house where people put things when they don’t have a better spot for them. Some people are more established than others, however so their dumping zone might be consolidated down to the size of a junk drawer.  Well, people, I am a whole room person right now. I used to have the entire basement as a dumping zone, but I am figuring things out as I go, decorating and organizing one space at a time.

The closet used to house all of our bed linens as the amount of closets in our house is despicable. We have a toiletry closet in the bathroom, a closet in each of the two bedrooms, and a closet on the second floor that has a dual purpose of coat closet/cleaning cupboard.  <Yuck> We have a crawl space under the stairs that functions as a storage area for seasonal goods.

So what is step 1?

Reclaim the closet space in the bedroom.- I already began this task when I took out every bit of bed linens. They are now housed in a tall cabinet I dragged into our master bedroom.

(Pics to come soon)

I now need to finish the task by getting out all of the little nameless junk out from the bin that never got unpacked when we moved in. It is my husband’s stuff that he forgot was even their and he hasn’t touched it in 4 years.   Things like old pictures, a piggy bank, an emergency weather radio…like I said…old junk. Getting him to agree to toss it is a whole other story…

Next are the more expensive items in the closet. He has his rock climbing gear, which can’t go in the garage because it will get wrecked.  His steering wheel and foot petals that he had to have to play his car racing game on the X Box 360, and his old motorcycle helmet.  All large items that I have no clue as to what to do with. Basement/office hobby display???

 Next will come the 16 cubbie Ikea shelf that I have full of my crafting and sewing gear as well as extra cleaning products that don’t fit in our tiny coat/cleaning closet. I must find a way to tame this area. If I think we have to much stuff before kids,

I am in for a rude awakening.

The plan is to take all of the crafting and sewing stuff down to the basement and create an amazing crafting area for myself. Additionally, I will be making a gift wrapping center and moving more of our computer stuff down stairs…That is a whole other beast to tackle…We own our own Computer Tech Repair business.