Project Distract: Day 2


Create a Craft Center Work Station in my Office (Basement)

Cute Craft room! by IchaDjamaan

craft room

Stage 2…actually doing the room


Plans to modify…

  • Paint lids of baby food jars and fill with small things like beads and buttons
  • Paint gold wire rack
  • Paint or cover shoe boxes with sewing gear in them
  • Take more pictures
  • Clean off book shelf above craft area
  • Bring down sewing machine from guest room
  • Bring crafts from garage

Project Distract: Day 1


Nursery article.

Being that I was only home for an hour of sanity time yesterday, I decided to forgo the cleaning and just relax for a little bit. I currently work 2 jobs and have no time at all in the evenings to do things that I would like to do.  I also rarely see my husband anymore, as I am gone from 7 a.m. to at least 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The issue is Monday through Thursdays are his days off of his main job. He works 6 am to 6 pm Fri, Sat, Sun.  We NEVER get to spend any quality time together anymore.

Now, to paint you a picture of this Spare Room/Junk Room…

I like to believe that most people have an area in their house where people put things when they don’t have a better spot for them. Some people are more established than others, however so their dumping zone might be consolidated down to the size of a junk drawer.  Well, people, I am a whole room person right now. I used to have the entire basement as a dumping zone, but I am figuring things out as I go, decorating and organizing one space at a time.

The closet used to house all of our bed linens as the amount of closets in our house is despicable. We have a toiletry closet in the bathroom, a closet in each of the two bedrooms, and a closet on the second floor that has a dual purpose of coat closet/cleaning cupboard.  <Yuck> We have a crawl space under the stairs that functions as a storage area for seasonal goods.

So what is step 1?

Reclaim the closet space in the bedroom.- I already began this task when I took out every bit of bed linens. They are now housed in a tall cabinet I dragged into our master bedroom.

(Pics to come soon)

I now need to finish the task by getting out all of the little nameless junk out from the bin that never got unpacked when we moved in. It is my husband’s stuff that he forgot was even their and he hasn’t touched it in 4 years.   Things like old pictures, a piggy bank, an emergency weather radio…like I said…old junk. Getting him to agree to toss it is a whole other story…

Next are the more expensive items in the closet. He has his rock climbing gear, which can’t go in the garage because it will get wrecked.  His steering wheel and foot petals that he had to have to play his car racing game on the X Box 360, and his old motorcycle helmet.  All large items that I have no clue as to what to do with. Basement/office hobby display???

 Next will come the 16 cubbie Ikea shelf that I have full of my crafting and sewing gear as well as extra cleaning products that don’t fit in our tiny coat/cleaning closet. I must find a way to tame this area. If I think we have to much stuff before kids,

I am in for a rude awakening.

The plan is to take all of the crafting and sewing stuff down to the basement and create an amazing crafting area for myself. Additionally, I will be making a gift wrapping center and moving more of our computer stuff down stairs…That is a whole other beast to tackle…We own our own Computer Tech Repair business.